Hydroxytyrosol dalam buah zaiton antioxidant terbaik

Hydroxytyrosol satu anti oxidant yang terkuat dan terbaik bolih didapati dari air buangan yang digunakan untuk memperoses buah zaiton untuk mengeluarkan minyak The miraculous product was found almost by chance in the waters produced during the pressing of oils , which the discoverers found to contain polyphenols in concentration 300 times higher than those found in extra virgin olive oil. The hydroxytyrosol there contained has amazing free radical scavenging action accountable for the strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-cancer and antithrombotic potential observed. It has been shown to be very effective in managing conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, skin UV-induced damage, arthritis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and nervous system degeneration, and in preventing breast and colon cancer , as well as in the reduction of stress from secondary smoke. Hydroxytyrosol derives from the hydrolysis of hydroxytyrol, also an act...