Buasir ketika hamil
Waktu hamil buasir sering berlaku jika seibu sering mengalami sembelit. Ketika hamil perjalanan darah dari kaki menuju kearah jantung agak perlahan sedikit akibat tekanan olih rahim yang kian membesar keatas saluran darah. Akibatnya timbul urat2 vena dikaki - vericose vein. Kesan yang sama berlaku pada vena2 pada dubur menyebabkan timbulnya buasir (piles, hemorrhoids)
Kaedaan ini menjadi lebih teruk bila seibu mengalami sembelit. Makan banyak buah2 dan sayuran, cereal saperti corn flakes, bran, muesli dll. Minum fiber drink saperti fybogel dll. Makanan yang mengandungi banyak serabut/fiber adalah digalakkan.
Kalau berdarah atau luka sakit, beli ubat masuk dubur/suppository saperti anusol, proctosedyl, xyloproct dll. volteran supp. bolih mengurangkan sakit dan meredakan luka. Makan ubat daflon bolih bantu kecutkan buasir.
How are hemorrhoids treated?
At-home Treatments
Simple diet and lifestyle changes often reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids and relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. Eating a high-fiber diet can make stools softer and easier to pass, reducing the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining.Fiber is a substance found in plants. The human body cannot digest fiber, but fiber helps improve digestion and prevent constipation. Good sources of dietary fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Doctors may also suggest taking a bulk stool softener or a fiber supplement such as psyllium (Metamucil) or methylcellulose (Citrucel).
Other changes that may help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms include
- drinking six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water or other nonalcoholic fluids each day
- sitting in a tub of warm water for 10 minutes several times a day
- exercising to prevent constipation
- not straining during bowel movements
Medical Treatment
If at-home treatments do not relieve symptoms, medical treatments may be needed. Outpatient treatments can be performed in a doctor’s office or a hospital. Outpatient treatments for internal hemorrhoids include the following:- Rubber band ligation. The doctor places a special rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. The band cuts off circulation, causing the hemorrhoid to shrink. This procedure should be performed only by a doctor.
- Sclerotherapy. The doctor injects a chemical solution into the blood vessel to shrink the hemorrhoid.
- Infrared coagulation. The doctor uses heat to shrink the hemorrhoid tissue.
3Slavin JL. Position statement of the American Dietetic Association: health implications of dietary fiber. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2008;108(10):1716–1731.
[Top]What foods have fiber?
Examples of foods that have fiber includeBreads, cereals, and beansFiber
1/2 cup of navy beans 9.5 grams
1/2 cup of kidney beans 8.2 grams
1/2 cup of black beans 7.5 grams

Whole-grain cereal, cold
1/2 cup of All-Bran9.6 grams
3/4 cup of Total2.4 grams
3/4 cup of Post Bran Flakes5.3 grams
1 packet of whole-grain cereal, hot3.0 grams
(oatmeal, Wheatena)
1 whole-wheat English muffin4.4 grams

1 medium apple, with skin3.3 grams
1 medium pear, with skin4.3 grams
1/2 cup of raspberries4.0 grams
1/2 cup of stewed prunes3.8 grams

1/2 cup of winter squash2.9 grams
1 medium sweet potato with skin4.8 grams
1/2 cup of green peas4.4 grams
1 medium potato with skin3.8 grams
1/2 cup of mixed vegetables4.0 grams
1 cup of cauliflower2.5 grams
1/2 cup of spinach3.5 grams
1/2 cup of turnip greens2.5 grams

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005.
[Top]Points to Remember
- Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins around the anus or in the lower rectum.
- Hemorrhoids are not dangerous or life threatening, and symptoms usually go away within a few days.
- A thorough evaluation and proper diagnosis by a doctor is important any time a person notices bleeding from the rectum or blood in the stool.
- Simple diet and lifestyle changes often reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids and relieve hemorrhoid symptoms.
- If at-home treatments do not relieve symptoms, medical treatments may be needed.
Salam Dr,
ReplyDeleteSaya mempunyai 2 org anak. 1st dah 9 tahun, 2nd lima tahun. Masa sy pregnant yg 1st tu..ada sedikit ketulan terkeluar(tak sakit) sebesar kepala cuttonbuds. Bila saya tanya dr, dia kata tak bahaya sebab itu adalah disebabkan oleh tekanan kandungan saya sebab saya bertubuh agak kecil...ketinggian 150cm dan berat 44kg. Sampai sekarang ketulan itu masih ada tetapi ia tidak menyakitkan. Jadi, saya agak risau jika ada lagi ketulan sebegitu pada sebelah dalamnya.
kepada umnmi..jgn biarkan penyakit tu...jom bc entri sy ttg penawar buasir..jom kita berkongsi cerita?insyallah penawar ni boleh mengurangkan sakit anda..
ReplyDeletejom lawat blog saya untuk penawar mujarab buasir
saya sendiri alami buasir, syukur kerana dipertemukan dengan produk Krim BC100 INTENSE ENERGIE...cuma sapu dan gosok ikut arah jam krim BC100 di bahagian tepi pinggang sebelah kanan, sekitar bawah pusat serta sapu sedikit di buasir, minum air suam yang dah diletakkan bersebelahan botol BC100...lepas itu baring seketika, buasir tadi akan mengecut...pm saya untuk dapatkan BC100...sharing is caring
ReplyDeleteMcm mane nak hubungi en wilson? Berapa harga krim tu?
Deletesalam Dr Hamid,
ReplyDeletesy ingin bertanya...skrg ni sy megalami sembelit yang teruk smpai berdarah...sy hamil 27week...boleh kah sy minum fybogel orange utk mengatasi mslh sy ni...sbb sy risau ia mjejaskan anak dlm kandungan...